note2023*2024 autumn* space, new time, new idea opened the idea (...opened the border [...infinite paths and possibilities follow, {{{... one plus one... rainbow notes cross the void of the page in a constellation of compositions... the signs narrate cultures, landscapes and inventions... sounds and colours... space, new time, new idea opened the idea (...opened the border [...infinite paths and possibilities follow, {{{... one plus one... rainbow notes cross the void of the page in a constellation of compositions... the signs narrate cultures, landscapes and inventions... sounds and colours are printed on the papers like sketches in a diary and dress us with travels and stories that exist through letters, symbols, traces and thoughts... once assembled, language transforms into meaning... do, re, mi, fa, sol, la, si... touch is object and subject of the note, of painting, tailoring and cooking... the hand writes, communicates, indicates and bears witness to what is seen and thought preserves the richness of traces... photography annotates light, just as typography transforms a material into a system of universal symbols, repeatable and simultaneously unique... the stitching of the dress runs along the edges like tram rails and establishes the perennial connection of one fabric with another... the selvage is long, the first dyeing is gentle... the collar is shortened up to the pencil mark on the paper tape while a red ribbon temporarily fixes the shirt while waiting for the cufflinks... every dress is a notebook... wednesday 22th february, 12:00 am |