l'una2015*2016 autumn*winter...the one and the other time, the one and the other idea, the one and the other cheek, the one and the other valley, the one and the other letter... the clock strikes one, it’s time to get out of school, one in the morning with the moon, both one thing and the other, the full and the... ...the one and the other time, the one and the other idea, the one and the other cheek, the one and the other valley, the one and the other letter... the clock strikes one, it’s time to get out of school, one in the morning with the moon, both one thing and the other, the full and the empty, the loose and the tight weave, the knit and the purl side, up and down and upside-down, changing shape and direction... the one and the other part, infinite finite, the labour, the joy, doing and not doing, letting things grow in their own way, we are what we do and what we won’t do... this time the colours are anthracite gray, from pink to red, passing through orange and a shade of blue... undergarments, a long feminine touch, coats that become vests, cotton, cashmere, silk... daniela gregis autumn winter 2015 2016 collection, february 26th 2015 at 6pm, oratorio della passione, milan |