
spring*summer 2009

Udilia says simple things, touches things that are deep. She's a memory, but also the future. Her rapport is like clothing born from a fulcrum, winding and unwinding in spirals, finite, infinite. Many shapes originally flat, geometrical. They can resemble a snail, a net, beginning and not... 

Udilia says simple things, touches things that are deep. She's a memory, but also the future. Her rapport is like clothing born from a fulcrum, winding and unwinding in spirals, finite, infinite. Many shapes originally flat, geometrical. They can resemble a snail, a net, beginning and not ending, adapting themselves, meeting. The job is a game and the joy setting out to seek. Udilia will be white, red and blue: monocolours, yes, but with a multitude of whites, reds and blues. It's enough to look closely, to tumble inside. The bags, shawls and the necklaces are all in knitwork, crochet, needle-point and knots. Shoes in cloth and leather. The catwalk will also be a show, a surprise.

monday, 22 february 18 p.m. oratorio della Passione p.zza Sant'Ambrogio 23a milano



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