mare rema rame2018 spring*summer…sea row copper…it is the movement that turns line into wave, thread into fabric, string into music…it gets angry during the tempest and then it quiets, it pushes the water and then descends into deep blue…at sunset it departs from the horizon, and then melts into... …sea row copper…it is the movement that turns line into wave, thread into fabric, string into music…it gets angry during the tempest and then it quiets, it pushes the water and then descends into deep blue…at sunset it departs from the horizon, and then melts into infinite copper threads…from the bottom it is the reflection on the sand, and from afar it is the glistening of the sun…it thus remains but is never the same…every wave, every sound, every weave, speaks of yesterday and of tomorrow… thursday the 21st of September at 6 pm |