minako shirakura

MINAKO SHIRAKURA Nasce in Giappone il 1967, laureata presso Waseda University in Tokyo in sociologia, studia la tecnica del vetro in Inghilterra e nel 1994 ottiene il diploma presso Edimburgo College of Art/Heriot - Watt University. Ottiene la borsa di studio Andrew Grant Major Award per partecipare al corso di tecnica del vetro presso Edimburgo College of Art e completa con successo il corso nel 1996. Al momento vive e lavora a Tokyo.

Mostre personali:

may 1999 Solo Exhibition COM Gallery , Tokyo , Japan

may 1999 ''Vetro al Femminile'', Galleria Marina Barovier , Venice , Italy

oct1998 - jan 1999Venezia Aperto Vetro - International .New Glass 1998 , Palazzo Fortuny , Venice , Italy

sep. 1998I wate Art Festival UK98 , ''Affinity'', Gallery , Saiensu , Japan

aug.1998''New Glass'', Garden Gallery , Edimburgh , U.K.

jul.- sep.1998''Glass'' (Site specific glass exhibition by 12 , glass artists) , Royal Botanic Garden , Edinburgh , U.K.

oct.1997Solo Exhibition , COM Gallery , Tokyo. Japan

oct.-nov.1996Augus College Arts & Crafts Competition Exhibition , Arbroath , Dundee , U.K.

oct.-nov.1996Society of Scottish Artists Annual Exhibition(invited artist) ,Royal Scottish Academy, Edimburgh,U.K.

aug.-sep.1996''Glass of '96'', Himley Hall , Dudley , West Midlands , U.K.

jul.-aug.1996''New Generation Show'', Compass Gallery, Glasgow , U.K.

jul.-aug.1995Four Persons' Show (invited artist) , Crawfords Arts Centre ,St.Andrews , U.K.

dec.1994''Finely applied'', Association of Applied Art Exhibition , Seagate Gallery , Dundee , U.K.

sep.1994Three Persons' Show , Norrie-Toch Studio , Gullane , Edimburgh , U.K.

jul.1994''New Designers'Exhibition'' , Design Centre , London , U.K.Award

oct.1996Angus College Arts & Crafts Competition Student Purchase Prize

aug.1996'''Glass of '96'' First Prize

jun;1996Scottish Glass Society Special Award

jun.1996Helen Rose Award

oct;1994Andrew Grant Major Award-Scholarship to take postgraduatediploma course in Edinburgh College of Art

jul.1993Andrew Grant Award-Travel Grant for works in department of Humanities , Edinburgh College of of Art:research trip to JapanResidency and working experience etc.

may.-dec.1999Collaboration with Daniela Gregis (Italy) /Designed graphics for her''Advent Skirt'99''

may.-jul.1998Artist in residence , North Lands Creative Glass , Lybster , Scotland

oct.1997-Teaching glass blowing in MC glass Lab. , Tokyo

oct.1995-jan.1997Assistant for Adrienne McStay , Fife , Scotland (Hot Glass)

oct.1994-feb.1995 Teaching of first year students in Edinburgh

nov.-dec.1995College of Art (kiln and Cold work)

jan.1992Assistant for David Kaplan , Lindean Mill Glass , Selkirk , Scotland (Hot Glass)Appearance in periodical/bibliographyVenezia Aperto Vetro International New Glass1998 (1998/Italy)New Frontiers in Contemporary (S.Dunn M. Margetts , 1998/U.K.)New Glass Review 18(1997/ U.SAa.)The Home Show, Iussue 4(1996/ U.K.)


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