
spring*summer 2010

the compound has something complementary about it, made up of pieces put together, added and then taken off and added again. a compound of life, of things, of stopsalong the way: a journey that entwines with a thousand others. the point of departure is an infinity of needs, memories, aims, but... 

the compound has something complementary about it, made up of pieces put together, added and then taken off and added again. a compound of life, of things, of stopsalong the way: a journey that entwines with a thousand others. the point of departure is an infinity of needs, memories, aims, but the point of arrival is silence or how to feel at ease in the world, narrowing down to the essential, only what's necessary, without waste and with utmost respect towards others. this is what the clothing of daniela gregis is all about, searching the superflous for its opposite, as in *dress fifty* where outside and inside are undefined, emerging here and there letting themselves be shaped. and there are pieces created to be mixed which can stand very well alone. the colours, for the loom produced cottons and linens, are those of summer and the sky. reds pressed from the heat, yellows taken from the dusty earth and blues from the infinite skies. as always, the catwalk is pageant, suitcase for thoughts, to also fill up with very concrete jewels, shoes, bags, scarves. if that's not enough, there are baskets.

thursday 24th september 2009 from 18 to 19. oratorio della Passione p.zza Sant'Ambrogio 23/a mi



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